Social Justice and Biblical Christianity

Social justice is the watchword of the left. It is used to imply the disparity between the haves and the have nots. Success, which is usually defined as power, is vilified as oppressive. This is supported by the ludicrous notion that success must always be achieved off the backs of the poor. There is noContinue reading “Social Justice and Biblical Christianity”

Faith in a faithless world

Two years after the Covid debacle it is time to reflect on the state of the Church. Many states, during 2020, ordered Christian believers to stop worshipping in the House of God. Almost unanimously Pastor’s complied with this edict. No questions were asked and Romans 13 was quoted as justification for compliance. Like sheep theyContinue reading “Faith in a faithless world”

Anarchy and a spiritually empty generation

Spiritual emptiness is the catalyst for anarchy. Humanity longs for purpose and hope, which are the antidote for lawlessness. This nation’s growing moral debauchery tends toward feral action. This is seen in the vicious attacks and character assassination of anyone that does not accept collectivist thought. This tactic is seen in the media and universities where freedom is suppressedContinue reading Anarchy and a spiritually empty generation

Are you a slave?

Society is inundated with behavior that destroys both body and soul. An activity that dominates our thoughts, actions and longings has won the mastery over us. Romans 6:12 warns of the results of surrendering ourselves to sinful behavior. Whatever behaviors control us are our masters. Modern society calls this addiction, however, God rightly calls itContinue reading “Are you a slave?”

The pursuit of the holy

Many today do not think about or consider their spiritual life. Our lives are cluttered with movies, games, and work. We are always distracted from deep introspection or the pursuit of heavenly things by chasing leisure and wealth. Actually we have been condition both inside and outside the Church to consider eternal topics as limitedContinue reading “The pursuit of the holy”

Materialism and its empty promise

Materialism is a vain pursuit that promises much and delivers little. All around us we are enticed with technology, leisure and trinkets. Every magazine ad, TV commercial, as well as movies and entertainment, extol the accumulation of material things. The message tells us that the more we possess, the happier we will become. After all,Continue reading “Materialism and its empty promise”

Guilt and hiding from the truth

A conscience free from guilt is a rarity in this age of deception and selfishness. A duplicitous person does not know the comfort of a conscience free from self-condemnation. They are the victims of their own actions constantly badgered by their own lack of veracity. The consequences of incurred guilt are debilitating to everyone strugglingContinue reading “Guilt and hiding from the truth”

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