The pursuit of the holy

Many today do not think about or consider their spiritual life. Our lives are cluttered with movies, games, and work. We are always distracted from deep introspection or the pursuit of heavenly things by chasing leisure and wealth. Actually we have been condition both inside and outside the Church to consider eternal topics as limited to Sunday. Its okay to be devoted for one hour a week, but anything beyond that is just mere fanaticism.

The present culture does not encourage spiritual reflection unless it is tied to some form of empty mysticism. As a matter of fact the world doesn’t care if you pursue religious things until Christianity is involved. The present culture sees biblical Christianity as an evil. Most cannot really give a clear reason why they hate all things Christian, they just know that they do. Or, at least, they know they are supposed to. Even some in the church pick up on the nebulous criticisms, thinking it will make them more acceptable to Christianity’s critics. 

I want to mention here that Christianity is not a social club. It is not a place for us to have our self esteem shored up. If the preacher is doing his job there will be many leaving worship who feel the burden of their sin and struggling under a heartache of their own making. The church is a place of conviction, healing and redemption. Jesus said, “Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give your rest. (Matthew 11:28).” Jesus’ purpose is to redeem those who have fallen into the ravages of sin, which means he longs to save all of us.

No one can escape their nature. Outside of the blood of Christ we are all rebels against God headed for judgement. Now none of us want to see ourselves as inherently bad. We usually only see ourselves in the best light. Yet, all of us are aware of the sinful things we have done, the lies we have told, the lives we have harmed, the people we have reviled, the grudges we hold though we are hesitant to admit it.. 

We know the dark secrets of our own heart. Some of those things have caused us inward suffering until through a shear act of the will we suppress the voice of conscience and thereby suppress the voice of the Holy Spirit. (Eph. 4:30) All of us have sinned, it is who we are. (Rom 3:23) Every day we store up for ourselves wrath against the day of wrath. (Romans 2:5)

Some might say that they are not that bad. They give to charity, they try to be kind. They are dedicated to their family, etc. So why should they be concerned, after all there are people far worse in their behavior. Salvation isn’t determined by how good we are. Even at our best, if we are without Christ, we are laden with sin and are rebels against his grace. Those who plead their case know in their heart of hearts they have done and thought things that would make angels blush. 

All of us understand that we are powerless to change our nature. We might be able to reform certain aspects of our behavior but we can’t change our hearts. Without Christ we are hopeless and helpless. We face life, adversity and death with only our own feeble strength.

Every man and woman will have to give an account of the things done in the body. Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:10 that, “we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he had done in the body, whether good or evil.” From this there is no escape. Ultimately justice will be meted out and none of us will be able to escape.

Now the good news is that Jesus paid our debt. He willingly went to the cross with the intent of freeing us from the punishment of sin, to restore our broken relationship to him, and free us from the bonds of sin and shame. Because of his sacrifice he can freely forgive us for his own sake giving us liberty to live free from guilt and despair. He longs to restore us to righteousness and give us a hope that endures. 

Best of all he has the power to break every chain that binds us. He can give us power over the habits that have enslaved us for so long. Through his great mercy we becomes kings and priest and joint heirs with Christ. Every sin is forgiven through his boundless love and he gives us a clean slate. Life and hope will start afresh. 

So I ask you to pause in your life. Set down the remote, turn off the games, and turn off the phone and reflect on your life. Do you like what you truly see? Have you lost your way? Are you suffering under the heavy weight of wrong choices, bad actions and enslavement to things that bring shame? If so lay them at the foot of the cross and come taste and see that the Lord is good.

Published by MLT

My name is Ric. I am a writer with an opinion that I am always ready to share. Having been a pastor I have learned the importance of spiritual development. There is no relationship as important as the one we have with our creator. Unfortunately politics has taken on an importance that impacts us almost daily. I am a Christian and a conservative and make no apology for either. I am too old to care what anyone thinks and too free to be bound by the pressure of adversaries. My goal in discussing current issues is to be kind, charitable and above all truthful in my analysis. If you take the time to visit this site and read my words, my prayer is, whether we agree or disagree, we may grow together and be better people.

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