Children and gender affirmation

Gender confusion seems to be on the rise recently. We hear about it in the media, from politicians and even in some Christian denomination. So, what is gender confusion and how do we deal with this issue? 

Some say that when a child is born they are only assigned a gender. This assignment is based on the physical observation of the child’s genitalia. The designation of male or female is attributed based on this observation. The idea of assigned gender is used to intimate that actual gender cannot be known until the child decides their gender later in life. Now this choice can be made at 3 years old or at 30. 

Biology, and common sense, tells us that there are only two genders – male and female. The XX and XY chromosomes determine the sex of the child. This cannot be altered nor does it change during our development. This seems to settle the question, however, in recent years gender has taken on a fluidity it has never had in the past. 

The argument goes like this: sex at birth is not necessarily the gender of the person. A person born with male genitalia is not necessarily a boy nor are girls girls unless they choose that as their gender. If this sounds confusing it is because it takes a certain amount of mental gymnastics to even think this is sane. A child’s sex and gender are equivalent, there is no choice involved. If your sex is male, then your gender is male and vice versa. 

Gender confusion, (or dysphoria) has up until recently been considered a very rare mental illness. When a person believes they were born in the wrong body that confusion was seen as a denial of truth and an irrational thought. No sane person would encourage someone with that thought process to continue therein. It is the height of cruelty to validate this type of confusion. Yet, this is exactly what is happening even to the point of recruiting children into this morass of confusion. 

Children are very pliable. It doesn’t take much effort to plant an idea into their little brains for them to parrot. This pliability makes them easy prey for anyone wishing to exploit them. Children have a penchant for doing and saying whatever they believe will please adults. Parents, hungry for attention, will push their children into these ludicrous claims just so they (the parents) can have their moment of fame. A child’s confusion begins the moment a caregiver plants a seed of doubt into their minds about being a boy or a girl. There is something dark and sinister about an adult who would dress their child as the opposite sex and try to convince them that is who they really are. 

Too often we have seen families that have groomed their children into to so-called transgenderism. The concept itself is impossible, you cannot change genders, you can only change your appearance. A study published in 2020 shows that 82% of those who claim to be transgender have considered suicide, while 40% have attempted to kill themselves. That is a staggering statistic. In light of this parents who play this game of self aggrandizement are setting up their children to live a life of misery and sorrow. This is abuse at its worse!

Not only are parents abusing their offspring but the public school system, in many districts, is secretly pushing this depraved agenda with impunity. In most instances children are being encouraged into this choice without the parents knowledge. They have gone so far as to give them names that belong to the opposite gender. This constant dripping of doubt about who they are as a person pushing these children into depression and self doubt.. Pro-transgender school activists target the most vulnerable lonely kids to ply their craft. These miscreants are purposely developing confusion in these kids so they can consume them in their own perverse and twisted world. All of this is done in the name of “gender affirmation,” whatever that is supposed to mean. 

Even the federal government has gotten in on the act. Rachel (Richard) Levine, who somehow is an admiral is pushing “gender affirming care” for children prodded into gender confusion. This rosy description hides the destructive nature of what is proposed. Gender affirming care is nothing more than giving children puberty blockers and reassignment surgery. A more accurate description of this reassignment surgery would be the mutilation of a child’s body to fulfill the twisted fantasies of an immoral adult. 

Doctors who perform these Frankenstein like surgeries, and give hormone blockers to these kids, have to know that they are destroying innocent lives. Once your breasts and genitalia are removed you cannot come back from that. This is the brutal mutilation of fragile children who have been cajoled into believing they can change their basic biology. They are promised happiness only to spiral into sadness, depression and despair. This is wickedness at its worst. 

If we are to really perform “gender affirming care” we must help children accept who they really are as real boys or girls. They are fearfully and wonderfully made. Every effort must be made to remove the transgender rot from our public schools and make it illegal to give puberty blockers to children, or to perform the mutilation of their bodies. Teachers who push this destructive nonsense must be prosecuted for deliberate mental and sexual abuse of children. Doctor’s who perform these unwarranted and immoral surgeries should not only lose their medical license, but face prison time. Parents must stand up! Christians must stand up! Our children and their future well being is at stake. 

Social Justice and Biblical Christianity

Social justice is the watchword of the left. It is used to imply the disparity between the haves and the have nots. Success, which is usually defined as power, is vilified as oppressive. This is supported by the ludicrous notion that success must always be achieved off the backs of the poor. There is no room in the Social Justice Warriors thoughts that success is the product of hard work and diligence. To admit that would nullify the infantile ranting against the rich and prosperous. 

Liberal Christians use the book of James as an example of the inherent evil of the rich. 

My brethren, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with {an attitude of} personal favoritism. For if a man comes into your assembly with a gold ring and dressed in fine clothes, and there also comes in a poor man in dirty clothes, and you pay special attention to the one who is wearing the fine clothes, and say, “You sit here in a good place,” and you say to the poor man, “You stand over there, or sit down by my footstool,” have you not made distinctions among yourselves, and become judges with evil motives? Listen, my beloved brethren: did not God choose the poor of this world {to be} rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him? But you have dishonored the poor man. Is it not the rich who oppress you and personally drag you into court? Do they not blaspheme the fair name by which you have been called? James 2:1-7 NASB

What James is trying to convey is the ease with which many show deference to the wealthy. Many times, rubbing shoulders with the perception of power gives the less powerful a sense of connection to authority. The poor do not usually elicit the same reaction; there generally is no personal elevation by connecting with the destitute. On the surface, it appears that James views the rich with disdain. These verses, coupled with others found in the scripture, seem to indicate that scripture portrays the rich as inherently evil.

Progressive Christians have picked up on this and have intimated that Marxism’s social justice is a representation of biblical doctrine. This, simply put, represents the redistribution of wealth, which Progressives attribute to Jesus’ teachings (ref. Matt 19:21). To accomplish their goals, socialists need to convince the general public that all the wealthyare the pariahs of society and worthy of disdain. 

But, what does the scripture teach about the rich and wealthy? First, as with Abraham and many others in the Bible, wealth is a blessing conferred by God to some of his faithful followers. There is no inherent sin in being wealthy. Sin is found when the wealthy horde all they have and harden themselves to the needs of the less fortunate. Charity, or acts of benevolence originating from love, are expected from those who profess knowledge of God. Charity is a voluntary, joyful action predicated on spiritual transformation. Compelled charity cannot and does not exist.

Secondly, we must understand the difference between personal charity and redistribution of wealth. Each person is responsible for his own actions, a concept lost on the left. Giving is a personal choice, and reflects God’s divine grace. The scriptural injunction to give charitably is both for the benefit of the receiver and the giver. Charity is incumbent upon the rich and poor as a part of their connection to God. Charitable giving is the biblical plan for meeting the needs of the unfortunate, not forcibly robbing the rich or perceived rich to benefit the poor. 

Social justice, however, uses the power of government to strip property from one individual for the benefit of another. This is contrary to the very nature of charity and personal responsibility. For God, charity must be an act of volition, free from compulsion, before charity has any moral quality. 

In Lev. 19:15, the Israelites are enjoined to not show favoritism to the poor or the rich. Both were to be treated with the same level of justice and equity. This reflects equal justice, which is the basis of the U.S. Constitution and reflective of biblical doctrine. The poor were not to be shown deference. This is important because the weight of social justice rests on this thesis. Social justice advocates must inculcate a sense of victimhood in the less wealthy and poor. Once that seed is planted, it is easy to convince them that they deserve a portion of the property of the wealthy. Punishing the rich is the next step. Stripping them of sympathy and justice soon follow.

Property rights were also protected under biblical law. A person could not be compelled to yield his possessions. Property ownership was perpetual within a family (ref. Lev 25:23-38). The rich and poor were encouraged to perform acts of charity as an act of personal and moral development. Nowhere in the scripture is the confiscation of a person’s property encouraged or sanctioned.

The Marxist dogma of social justice is foreign to biblical doctrine. Christians and denominations must resist this teaching, not only as unbiblical, but as inherently evil. If Progressives win the support of the church in pillaging the rich, Christians will lose their moral authority. This heinous doctrine must be repudiated and any pastor or leader in the church who champions it, must be censured. The world can ill afford the complicity of the church in the demise of liberty.

Faith in a faithless world

Two years after the Covid debacle it is time to reflect on the state of the Church. Many states, during 2020, ordered Christian believers to stop worshipping in the House of God. Almost unanimously Pastor’s complied with this edict. No questions were asked and Romans 13 was quoted as justification for compliance. Like sheep they capitulated to the ruling authority without hesitance. Surprisingly, there was little pushback from leading denominations. Fear gripped the followers of Christ to the point of crippling their dependence on God. 

Thankfully there was a smattering of Pastors who understood that they had a responsibility to their flock. Internet worship was a poor substitute for gathering together as we are commanded in Hebrew 10:25. These men stood on the authority of God’s word and were unshaken in their faith. 

There has been a lot of criticism leveled at these men. They were considered reckless for putting people in jeopardy for no valid reason. The media seems to take special glee in demonizing them as religious kooks. Unfortunately there are believers that share this view. 

The question I want to ask is why was their choice to worship and offer connection to believers considered so dangerous? Many would instantly site the contagion that had been the pretense to shut down the nation as the compelling reason. Others would complain that they were putting people in peril for a frivolous reason. Many saw these men as being arrogant and desired them to be punished. In the mind of the secularist the Christian message is irrelevant and the Church an archaic relic, therefore, worship is merely a privilege granted by the powers that be.

The Church has been under systematic attack and ridicule for decades. Sadly there have been charlatans claiming the name of Christ who have robbed widows houses and led the unsuspecting into fanatic captivity. For the media and the godless these are representative of every Christian everywhere. Seldom will you find real Christianity portrayed by the mainstream media. Human tendency is to highlight the negative and call out hypocrisy (which ought to be done) and to ignore the multitude of self-sacrificing believers laboring without recognition to minister to suffering humanity.

These faithful Pastors may seem to have been irrational to the fearful and submissive, but, they were living out their faith according to their conscience. Every effort was made to belittle and ruin the reputations of these individuals. 

Some may argue that the right to worship God according to our conscience is codified in the Constitution. However, the right to serve God freely predates any edict of man. Our right to worship comes to us directly from God, He needs no middleman to ensure the rights of his people. 

Many Christians parrot the media’s disdain for all things Christian. This self humiliation and self loathing by believers has created a timid, weak and fearful Church. Christians have been relegated to the buildings they have built to gather for worship. Even worse believers live as though they have no relevance outside the walls of their meeting house. The Church is not a building or a denominational name, instead it is the flesh and blood followers of Jesus Christ are the Church. Believers have forgotten that they are the leaven of society. They are to permeate the culture with the claims of Christ and model the moral, ethical and spiritual behavior that God expects of all men.

Believers have been programmed to accept that they are irrelevant, that the gospel is only a Sunday thing. That we should only live our religious convictions when we are called to worship because, according to the world, it has no bearing on social issues, politics, or daily life.. Because of this we whimper and apologize for daring to even talk about Jesus.

However, the relevance of Christianity is seen in the lives that have been changed by divine grace. When drunkards, addicts, prostitutes and all who have fallen into the misery of sin are transformed society is elevated with them. When men and woman learn to be honest and ethical society is benefited. When those who stole, lied and cheated make restitution for the wrongs they have perpetrated their victims lives are elevated.

The power of Christianity is grounded in its founder. Jesus came into the world, not to make us happy, but the make us holy. These are not fanciful fairy tales, as the media and others believe. Jesus is a historical figure who lived and died and was resurrected from the grave. This Jesus, who is the savior of the world, has the power to transform the most profligate person into a loving, caring and vibrant believer. It is this transforming grace that makes the church the most relevant institution in modern life. The message of redemption was, is, and always will be indispensable in the lives of a fallen race.

Unfortunately many churches have forgotten this unchanging truth. Many within the church have never forsaken the very things that made them sad. They grasp for the benefits of Christ’s death with one hand and tenaciously hold onto the lifestyle that destroyed their hope with the other. Too many pastors are fearful to preach the true condition of humanity and the only remedy for it through Jesus Christ. 

Christianity has become a mere club where we meet friends and enjoy companionship. Although those things are part of the Christian experience, those social amenities can be had without a church. This socialized Christianity has done much to perpetuate the sense that Christian belief is not needed as a viable part of life. We have ceased to seek a higher calling and in doing so have become the enemies of our own and especially Christ’s endeavors. 

Our brothers and sisters are tortured and slaughtered in the middle east and can we not face the ire of an antagonistic media? God save us from our cowardlice! God give us the courage of those who have gone before carrying the blood stained banner. We serve the King of kings and Lord of lords and of His kingdom there will be no end.

When the church awakens and rediscovers her privilege and power in Christ the world will experience hope. While she wallows in subservience to the baser elements of life, she will continue to have little or no impact. Our heritage promises better things than this. Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong (1 Cor. 16:13 ESV). The Lord of hosts is on your side. 

For Christians to meet and worship their redeemer no permission is needed from any man. It is time for the church to step up and boldly live her faith. We follow in the vanguard of countless martyrs and saints. We have the richest heritage of any other group of people on earth. Jesus is our morning star and as we keep our eyes on him the designs of the wicked can never harm us.

The problem with public schools

Over the years we have watched the steady decline of education in this country. This is notable in the mostly state run schools that operate at taxpayer expense. Each of us have complained about the monetary waste we see with each passing year. 

The mandatory school system has systematically robbed taxpayers with little positive return. That is not to say that all school districts operate at the same level of incompetence. Nor should it be assumed that every teacher fails at their job.

However, the level of inefficiency in education is mind boggling. The left has inserted itself into this vital institution and has used it to build a system of animosity toward this nation, parents, the church and every other traditional value we have held sacred.

The teacher’s unions have driven a left leaning Marxist philosophy that has alienated children from the founding principles of our nation. America is painted as an empire of evil that has no redeeming value. A nation that must be punished by the systematic dismantling of its founding and the denigration of its founders. One need only look to the riots and other anti American activities to see the impact of this steady indoctrination.

Leftists have taken advantage of the complacency of the average American toward their children’s education. Most of us have focused on our lives and building an economic future for our children, both of which are now in jeopardy. While distracted by pursuing our piece of the American dream an insidious undertow has dragged our children, and the future of this nation, into a tempest of violence and disorder. 

These architects of dystopia took advantage of our surety that things would always remain as they were. Many of us treated the patriotic drift as a mere nuisance assuming our worldview was still the prevalent one. It was hard to imagine that the idiocy of the left would become the prevailing worldview for many of our children. Because of this miscalculation we now find ourselves fighting for our national life and identity.

We failed to recognize the insidious nature of the left. These were not just the eccentric voices of isolated academics, it was instead a step by step distortion of our way of life. Though there were many voices warning of the impending danger to the nation, the vast majority chose to watch rather than participate in any meaningful way. Now we are reduced to placing all our hope in one party, the Republicans lead by President Donald Trump. Yet one person is not capable of successfully stemming the tsunami of leftist politics. Nor is unwavering trust in the Republican party of any real value seeing they have almost universally failed to stem the tide. 

Taxpayers must demand a dramatic change to our educational system. Public schools should be defunded, the teachers unions need to be broken up and rendered impotent. Guaranteed pensions for the very people destroying the morals and worldview of our children need to be ended. Privatizing the school system to promote competition would eliminate the unions monopoly on education. Incompetent leftist ideologues must be fired and replaced with individuals dedicated to excellence in education. 

We must demand a return to teaching the basics and repudiate so-called social agendas and get back to teaching accurate history without the ideological bent. We should no longer tolerate the promotion of transgenderism, homosexuality or any other sexual lifestyle. Life is more than sex and animal appetites, it is not the job of morally questionable adults to help a child find themselves. Nor is it in the purview of education to promote any sexual instruction except basic biology that is not graphic or designed to stimulate.

There should be a demand for the spiritual wellbeing of children. Prayer should not be discouraged nor should the reading of scripture. A child should be free to practice his religion without fear of retaliation. That would mean tolerance for any legitimate religious belief. Parental rights should no longer be trampled on by educational overlords. Our children belong to us under God, they are not the property of the state. 

This second revolution for liberty must not stop there. All Universities that discriminate against conservatives, promote erroneous degrees in women’s studies and intersectionality should also be defunded. Diversity of thought needs to be reintroduced to the institutions of higher learning. Public funding of Universities need to be ended as well. 

While on the subject, why do our children even need to attend University? Not every child, as we’ve seen in Portland and other places, will benefit from so-called higher learning. Degrees are handed out like cake at a party, these pieces of paper have little meaning anymore. The only noticeable result of a college education is the amount of young people starting off life thousands of dollars in debt. Many young people have skills that would perfectly suit them for a trade. This country needs plumbers, electricians, mechanics, welders the list could go on.

In short we must approach this essential issue with the utmost seriousness. Tweeting furiously resolves nothing. It changes nothing. It might make us feel better hiding behind relative anonymity, but in the end it is mostly an empty effort. Instead let’s use that same zeal, articulation, and determination to challenge our school boards, run for office, openly protest and affect real change for the future of our children.

Anything less will result in the ultimate slavery of our kids. Once liberty is lost, it will not easily, if ever, be won back.

Do your own research

Do you trust the experts? Well, maybe you really shouldn’t.

When it comes to getting stuck with a needle or swallowing and experimental pill blind faith in the experts is a foolish choice. Brian Stelter, the androgynous TV anchor, solemnly warned that no one should “do their own research.” He assured us that the likes of Fauci, the CDC, the WHO and every other alphabetized health organization could be implicitly trusted. They only have our best interests at heart. This assumed motivation should be all the evidence we need to blindly obey and submit our bodies to experimental vaccines.

Keep in mind that each of these groups have been instrumental in stealing your freedom and essentially your life. Lockdowns, masks, separation by distance, seniors denied family visits, and now the Covid and Monkey Pox shots are all the brainchild of the experts and their political enablers.

In light of this. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. Where to start? Begin with the articles they don’t want you to read, the doctors and researchers they don’t want you to hear. Whatever they censor – find it, then find out why they have been silenced. It may or may not make sense, but at least you have the tools to make an informed decision. Every fiber of your being should rebel against being treated like a child or ward of the state.

Many years ago I was in a denomination that tried to tell me what I could and could not read. They dictated the clothes you should wear and whether you could watch TV or not. The idea of this moral and intellectual tyranny moved me to rebellion against such an unreasonable usurpation of authority. What I learned was, they were afraid. Afraid I might conclude they were mistaken or worse yet had lied in an effort to control me. Afraid, most of all, that I would begin to think for myself. This is the hallmark of a cult. 

Science, not real science, but science parading as a religion has demanded absolute obedience. They are afraid you might find out they are lying. Fearful that you will begin to question and ultimately reject their end goal. Tyrants are always afraid their subjects will find the truth. They want instead for you to be blindly obedient knowing puppets are easy to control because they have no will to exercise, no strength to resist. They move at the whim and will of the puppet master.

Be a free thinking person. Resist and rebel against the ongoing intellectual, spiritual, medical, and political tyranny that is seeking to dominate you and your loved ones. The very act of disobedience to and rejection of the edicts of the experts will limit their power and thwart their designs. Ultimate power resides in the minds and hearts of a resilient and well informed people. Cut the strings of their power and you will move and think under the power of your own will. Right or wrong, every decision you make should be yours no one has the right to think and decide for you. 

Anarchy and a spiritually empty generation

Spiritual emptiness is the catalyst for anarchy. Humanity longs for purpose and hope, which are the antidote for lawlessness. This nation’s growing moral debauchery tends toward feral action. This is seen in the vicious attacks and character assassination of anyone that does not accept collectivist thought. This tactic is seen in the media and universities where freedom is suppressed in the name of justice. Violence and irrational anger are rampant, and are symptoms of hearts that are separated from God. 

Ethics based on Christian scripture is the restraint that moves humanity toward civilization and decency. This motivation to ethical behavior is missing from atheistic belief which has no foundation for consistent morality. Christians are guided by the immutable hand of a wise creator who handed down a moral code that built the foundation of this great Republic. Love, morality, and compassion are the bedrock of Christian conduct. The biblical edict to treat others as we would be treated dismisses selfishness and promotes kindness and understanding. Empathy for the plight of others is essential to building a society that learns to live at peace with each other.

However, peace is not achieved through forced conformity to abhorrent norms. The philosophy that advocates this evil is rooted in the basest of motives. The desire to stifle the freedom of those we disagree with is predicated on purely selfish and nefarious desires. The advocates of forced conformity created a philosophical divide that is undermining the fabric of American society.  They have taken the concepts of love, compassion and equality and twisted them into deformed caricatures. They have redefined the traditional and have demanded that everyone comply. 

Setting aside common sense, these champions of debauchery have created a society of violence and unbridled sensuality. They demand we accept their redefinition of morality or face anarchy. Every destructive behavior must be normalized. Do not dare oppose their vision for the world. To do so will put your very existence in jeopardy. These moral monsters use violence, intimidation and economic pressure to elicit compliance. They malign anyone who questions their pretentious moral authority. Theirs is the pursuit of power and personal gain, and that at any cost.

This great nation is reaching a point of no return. The moral differences between right and left are irreconcilable. The clash of cultures has reached a crescendo and this nation is teetering on the edge of political suicide. There are two nations struggling within the borders of the United States. It is between those who honor God, tradition, family and liberty and those who worship death, servitude and anarchy. Between these two nations there is no hope of reconciliation nor can there be any compromise. 

There can no longer be neutrality; one must choose one side or the other. The battle for the heart and soul of our children and our nation is enjoined. Marxism is an evil that has systematically destroyed nations and consequently individual lives.  The blood from Marxist social justice runs deep. The groans of the enslaved are heard in heaven, and only a society that embraces the western Christian ethos can survive.

Are you a slave?

Society is inundated with behavior that destroys both body and soul. An activity that dominates our thoughts, actions and longings has won the mastery over us. Romans 6:12 warns of the results of surrendering ourselves to sinful behavior. Whatever behaviors control us are our masters. Modern society calls this addiction, however, God rightly calls it slavery. 

The road to addiction starts out as a choice, but always ends in servitude. Ask any alcoholic or drug addict if they don’t serve their addiction. Habitual behavior births outcome. As we continue to practice what we know to be wrong the stronger our need for it grows. Over time whatever resistance we may have had begins to wane. Instead of choosing to participate in harmful activity we are now compelled. This is why people who are slaves to pornography, sexual immorality, and drug addiction are miserable and consumed with shame. 

In order to hide the shame of a promiscuous lifestyle society has gone to great lengths to de-stigmatize the behavior. The only salve for their guilt is to reverse the tables on morality. Systematically, popular culture has pointed the finger at morality as an evil. After all any effort that is made to curtail indiscriminate sexual encounters and personal pleasure is the ranting of backward moralists. 

Over the years we have relabeled addictions as sickness and though there is some truth to this, the new designation is designed to remove the stigma of the choices that led to addiction. If you are sick then you are not guilty of creating the illness. As hard as this is to hear – addiction is a self imposed sickness. Yet, the cardinal rule of society when it comes to wanton pleasure is, “thou shalt not judge.” 

It is undeniable that individuals captured by these addictions are miserable, sorrowful and empty. The thing that they serve has become a god at whose altar they grovel. Their need outweighs rational thought and their slavery becomes hard and unforgiving. The drug addict will continue to use until he is unrecognizable as the thriving human being he had once been. The slave to sexuality will sell their dignity for unbridled physical pleasure. This trend of sexual degradation is now being foisted on children. These attacks on decency are needed to placate the burning conscience of the one who has sold himself to mere physical pleasure. 

The Apostle Paul in Romans 6:16 says this, “Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness? (ESV)” The things that we sell ourselves to do not sneak up on us and capture us. The slavery we endure is directly attributable to personal choice. If we choose to serve God we will reap the benefit of his grace and mercy. However, if we choose to pursue the flesh, that is pleasure and bestial gratification then death morally, emotionally, and eternally will be our lot. 

Thankfully this self imposed servitude has a ready remedy. God, who is rich in mercy, fully understands the chains we have forged. He knows the struggle and pain of the overwhelming compulsion that holds us in its thrall. He also understands that though you have brought this subjugation on yourself you still have value as one of his creation. He longs to set you free from the bondage of sin and death. 

How do any of us find relief from the slavery of degrading sin? Just as we chose to pursue this darkness we can, through the help of the Holy Sprit, choose to begin seeking God, the source of all liberty. Paul in Romans 6:17 praises the Romans for becoming “obedient from the heart,” and experiencing the forgiveness of Jesus and become willing servants to righteousness. This service to righteousness is not a heavy burden, it does not bring shame, it does not destroy our hope or cause us to fear the future. This slavery, in juxtaposition to the harsh servitude to sin that ruined our lives, sets us perfectly free.

There is hope for the demoralized slave. The self-forged chains of bondage to the empty pleasures of this world can be permanently broken. Where once we grovelled in the muck of moral turpitude, constantly guilty, fearful, empty and broken, we can now rejoice in the liberty given to us through the blood of Jesus. 

The first step to finding this liberty is to own up to the poor choices you have made. Stop blaming others for your misery. Confess to God the truth about your heart and rebellion to his truth. Unburdened the darkness that has controlled you for so long. Ask the God whom you have offended for forgiveness and see how quickly he flies to your side to give you aid. To continue in the path that you currently tread is to perpetuate your self-imposed exile from God.

Say to them, As I live, declares the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn back, turn back from your evil ways, for why will you die, O house of Israel? – Ezekiel 33:11 ESV

How free people stay free

Freedom is a very tenuous gift. History is replete with examples of a progression of the loss of personal liberty. In many Western countries today the right to speak your mind is essentially non existent. In the United Kingdom saying anything that does not reflect politically and culturally approved speech can guarantee swift action from the authorities. Arbitrary rule like this was the reason the America colonies broke ties with Britain. Canada, Sweden, Germany and France have all developed their own oppressive speech laws and the U.S. isn’t far behind. 

Speech police permeate our colleges, businesses and social media; such as Facebook, YouTube Twitter, et al. Either say what is approved or you will be shouted down, shamed and suffer the ire of the offended. We are free to say what we want as long as it matches the whims of our verbal task masters. Any deviation is a violation of the arbitrary rules on verbal equity. 

America was founded on the principle that people have a right to self determination. The Bill of Rights enshrines the truth that there are basic freedoms the government cannot regulate or amend. The freedom to contradict accepted political dogma, to assemble peaceably, to worship according to the dictates of our conscience are sacrosanct. No government can rescind what they do not have the power to give. This freedom of thought, speech, movement and worship makes those that wield it more powerful than their would be masters – that is if we will use them. Surrender one inch and we will have to scratch our way back. The cost would be onerous. 

These rights can only be preserved by a people who govern themselves by common moral principals. In order to do this society must have a loadstone by which to chart their course. In the founding of this great nation Christianity provided the moral basis for freedom. Individuals who can govern themselves to act charitable, mercifully and honestly with each other need no overlord. The limited scope of government as outlined in the U.S. Constitution testifies to the founders confidence in the efficacy of Christian philosophy and principles.

These rights are untouchable, or at least should be. In recent years, however, these basic rights have been ignored by politicians seeking personal power. Most Americans are largely ignoring this egregious power grab. Though, thankfully, there are a few who cannot abide such overreach. 

America has reached this place of sheepish submission because we have forgotten that we are a free people. We’ve forgotten that our basic rights come from the God of heaven and not from Washington or any State capitol. We have invested elected officials with an almost God-like authority. Instead of seeing them as servants, we have anointed them as kings.

Democrats have been the most egregious violators of basic freedom. They advocate for politically correct speech. They desire to take away our right to self protection, by seeking to limit or eliminate the 2nd Amendment. They seek to denigrate and silence anyone who holds strong Christian convictions. No Shibboleth has been leveled against any other religion. These enemies of the Cross understand that real Christianity is the only viable threat to their usurpations.

Most of these governors used Covid to lock away the average citizen without any compelling evidence for such tyrannical actions, which inflicted grievous damage on their citizens and the economy. This was nothing more than the exercise of raw power. They were and are intoxicated with their own authority. They wield the scepter in a wanton display of royal usurpation. These are people who should not be trusted. Every political effort must be used to remove them from office. 

During these lockdowns the 1st Amendment has been decimated. Facebook, Twitter and Google all conspired to censor any information that contravened the official government position. They arbitrarily label dissent as misinformation and dangerous. Religious liberty had been suspended. Pastors were arrested, churches closed and along with this the right to assemble was completely abandoned. 

All of this should frighten lovers of freedom. It is a grave mistake for the citizens of this country to not push back on such insufferable control. In the beginning of this crisis all were willing to do their part to protect neighbors, friends, family and the most vulnerable. At first it was mostly voluntary then the heavy hand of government began to crush us. Under the pretense of protecting us they made us mere chattel. When elected officials can dictate our mobility, speech, associations and labor we cease being self governing people and instead become their willing dependents. 

Those who resisted these rulers exuded the spirit of this nation’s founders. They were exercising their rights and calling these errant politicians to account. Small in number their voices were large. They were ridiculed as though they should waive their rights for the common good. Many scoff that they were putting themselves in jeopardy. However, for some the risk of infection was not enough to curtail their love for their God given rights. Liberty is purchased and maintained at great personal peril. Most of our founders lost everything. We have the opportunity to keep the enemy at bay. We face a relentless ideology that will stop at nothing to make us slaves. 

Maybe we should pause and ask ourselves, “Isn’t the risk of persecution worth preserving liberty for ourselves and future generation?”

The pursuit of the holy

Many today do not think about or consider their spiritual life. Our lives are cluttered with movies, games, and work. We are always distracted from deep introspection or the pursuit of heavenly things by chasing leisure and wealth. Actually we have been condition both inside and outside the Church to consider eternal topics as limited to Sunday. Its okay to be devoted for one hour a week, but anything beyond that is just mere fanaticism.

The present culture does not encourage spiritual reflection unless it is tied to some form of empty mysticism. As a matter of fact the world doesn’t care if you pursue religious things until Christianity is involved. The present culture sees biblical Christianity as an evil. Most cannot really give a clear reason why they hate all things Christian, they just know that they do. Or, at least, they know they are supposed to. Even some in the church pick up on the nebulous criticisms, thinking it will make them more acceptable to Christianity’s critics. 

I want to mention here that Christianity is not a social club. It is not a place for us to have our self esteem shored up. If the preacher is doing his job there will be many leaving worship who feel the burden of their sin and struggling under a heartache of their own making. The church is a place of conviction, healing and redemption. Jesus said, “Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give your rest. (Matthew 11:28).” Jesus’ purpose is to redeem those who have fallen into the ravages of sin, which means he longs to save all of us.

No one can escape their nature. Outside of the blood of Christ we are all rebels against God headed for judgement. Now none of us want to see ourselves as inherently bad. We usually only see ourselves in the best light. Yet, all of us are aware of the sinful things we have done, the lies we have told, the lives we have harmed, the people we have reviled, the grudges we hold though we are hesitant to admit it.. 

We know the dark secrets of our own heart. Some of those things have caused us inward suffering until through a shear act of the will we suppress the voice of conscience and thereby suppress the voice of the Holy Spirit. (Eph. 4:30) All of us have sinned, it is who we are. (Rom 3:23) Every day we store up for ourselves wrath against the day of wrath. (Romans 2:5)

Some might say that they are not that bad. They give to charity, they try to be kind. They are dedicated to their family, etc. So why should they be concerned, after all there are people far worse in their behavior. Salvation isn’t determined by how good we are. Even at our best, if we are without Christ, we are laden with sin and are rebels against his grace. Those who plead their case know in their heart of hearts they have done and thought things that would make angels blush. 

All of us understand that we are powerless to change our nature. We might be able to reform certain aspects of our behavior but we can’t change our hearts. Without Christ we are hopeless and helpless. We face life, adversity and death with only our own feeble strength.

Every man and woman will have to give an account of the things done in the body. Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:10 that, “we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he had done in the body, whether good or evil.” From this there is no escape. Ultimately justice will be meted out and none of us will be able to escape.

Now the good news is that Jesus paid our debt. He willingly went to the cross with the intent of freeing us from the punishment of sin, to restore our broken relationship to him, and free us from the bonds of sin and shame. Because of his sacrifice he can freely forgive us for his own sake giving us liberty to live free from guilt and despair. He longs to restore us to righteousness and give us a hope that endures. 

Best of all he has the power to break every chain that binds us. He can give us power over the habits that have enslaved us for so long. Through his great mercy we becomes kings and priest and joint heirs with Christ. Every sin is forgiven through his boundless love and he gives us a clean slate. Life and hope will start afresh. 

So I ask you to pause in your life. Set down the remote, turn off the games, and turn off the phone and reflect on your life. Do you like what you truly see? Have you lost your way? Are you suffering under the heavy weight of wrong choices, bad actions and enslavement to things that bring shame? If so lay them at the foot of the cross and come taste and see that the Lord is good.

Materialism and its empty promise

Materialism is a vain pursuit that promises much and delivers little. All around us we are enticed with technology, leisure and trinkets. Every magazine ad, TV commercial, as well as movies and entertainment, extol the accumulation of material things. The message tells us that the more we possess, the happier we will become. After all, aren’t we entitled to happiness? 

Our children have been inundated with this empty message since they were young. Unrealistic expectations are created with exaggerated commercials promising happiness. The end product never lives up to the hype. Reality never reflects the fantasy worlds created using computer graphics and perfected scripts. Parents wishing to please their kids have lost the ability to say “no.” Consequently, today’s child has experienced little or no denial of material desire. This has resulted in a self-entitled generation that hasn’t the ability to process denial.

There was a time when kids were made to work for what they wanted. If they desired a new bike, radio or expensive toy, they were told they had to earn the money. Labor to procure a desired object produces self-confidence and a deeper appreciation of ownership and responsibility. Unlike blatant self-absorption, which demands satisfaction without personal effort, working and sweating for a desired object produces a sense of accomplishment and contentment in achieving an objective. Most who have learned to labor for what they desire learn to respect their own and other’s property because they understand the cost of procuring it. 

Individuals who have never labored for their housing, food and other necessities, have not developed self-reliance. Neither do they have respect for what they are given. Over time, what they have isn’t enough, as the Scripture says, “The leech has two daughters. ‘Give, give’ they cry.” These individuals are a drain on society and develop deep discontent. Entitled individuals live for pleasure, leisure, and entertainment. Once they are thrust into the real world that does not hand them everything, they are incapable of functioning. 

People who fall into the trap of materialism are more apt to harm others to get what they desire. Materialism is evil and destructive because it creates an insatiable need that can never be filled. Relationships are damaged and petty jealousies are created. It breeds greed and a personal emptiness that cannot be satisfied. The sad truth is that once a person gains the object of their obsession, the inner void is not satiated and they turn to something new. “If only I had this,” cries the purposeless soul. Possessions cannot satisfy the spiritual need that every person has. The person who lives for “stuff” is battling an inner vacuum that is hoping for fulfillment, but is habitually disappointed. Only a transformation created by reconciliation to Jesus Christ can accomplish that.

Material success created by the sweat of one’s brow is not evil. It is instead a benefit to those who work diligently to earn prosperity. Nor does possessing wealth indicate avarice and deceitful gain. The things that a person works to earn through honest labor are his by right. No one else has title to it. Material success differs from materialism because the truly successful person has found the proper balance in life. He genuinely cares for others and rejoices in their success. His spiritual needs are fulfilled by God and not by treasures that perish. Successful people recognize a person’s right to private property. They do not get jealous at another’s prosperity. They find pleasure in labor, realizing the value they give to themselves, their family, and society.

Possessions do not provide happiness. Productivity and accomplishment based on real virtue do. Today’s children are at a disadvantage because they are taught that the accumulation of things is the path to contentment. This mindset has produced a generation that believes it is entitled to the labor of others. They want free healthcare, tuition, food and shelter. They refuse to be denied while protesting that life is unfair. They have not been taught the value of a hard day’s work. They are spoiled, weak, confused and addled; without direction and struggle to find hope. Today’s youth is susceptible to the false promise of Marxism that epitomizes entitlement. These coddled, benighted souls will lead this nation in the future, and that should frighten us all. 

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